Will you give me your hand...for me to get up?
"The whole class result is worse. Majority failed." The voice of her, my beloved lecturer went through my ears.
My heart beated faster than usual. I knew i did it worse too.
"Mastura." The lecturer gave the paper, something that i wished that she would hold it and never give that thing to me. Nah, it's better not to know than know something that I know, it would break my heart into pieces.
I took the paper from her, closed the area that she wrote the mark. I barely not to see.
Well, i had to face the truth though. I opened it slowly.
And yes. It was like what i expected.
Worse. My heart broke into million pieces. You know how it feel, when you always go high on the sky and suddenly you crashed to the earth.
I forgot to be grateful that I passed eventhough with a very low mark that i never obtained before. I tried to hold my heart there, trying not to cry, trying to think positively...Thus i kept my mouth shut. Silent.
There were friends who were having their turn in doing the presentation. I heard them half way before suddenly i cried. heavily.
"Please ask for some tissue." I touched my friend's hand, without looking at her face. But she knew i cried. She held my shoulders, gave me pieces of tissues that she asked from my other friend.
"Mas, don't be like this." She said it slowly. I cried even more.
I felt guilty to my parents. They paid not in a little amount to send me here but what did i reply... A low mark, which surely gave a shame for me and maybe can be some sort of fitnah for Islam?
I cried and cried until i felt that there were no more tears left. Then I stopped.
"Sometimes we need to fall, in order to go further." My other friend tried to console my heart. I forced myself to smile.
My friends and I rushed to the lecturer's room just after the class ended.
"Puan, my spirit is down." I said, honestly.
"Because..well, you know. the marks." I looked down. My heart were still not in a good condition to talk about this anyway.
"It is my intention to make the students' spirits down. So that all of you would study more for the second test." She replied.
"Oh. But i don't know, i feel like everything is nothing now."
She gave me..well actually us, a motivation, and i felt a little bit calm after that.
my legs were weak, my heart were sad, i don't know, why i am very down for this semester. And yes, there are still, lots of projects to be settled before this month ends....And yes, i only understand little from the whole subjects.
If this is some sort of test from Allah, i do hope that He would strengthen me up too.. And i do hope prays from all of you.
I am really down and i don't know why...
Give me advices, motivating story or anything... Am i entitled for the right of ukhwah - something that we have to give advices for our brothers/sisters who asked for it?
I really, really need that now.
Exam is just around the corner...and I....
There's always a strike of rainbow, after the rain... right? :')
Yes, my dear. After every rainfall must come a rainbow~ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y4Zi0V7O5gg
:) Tentu ramai yang sedang mendoakan Mas. Look up, towards Him, and pray.
Aneesah.... syukran :')
saya sangat menghargainya. Moga Allah kasih selalu...
Saya mula follow blog awak lepas baca salah satu artikel awak kat iluvislam...
Pengalaman yang awak ceritakan ni, saya pun baru juga alaminya pada semester yang lepas...
Selama ni saya tak pernah gagal dalam imtihan, nak ditakdirkan, salah satu subjek saya pada semester yang lepas, tak lepas, dan saya perlu repeat subjek tersebut (InsyaALLAH bulan 10 nanti)...
Apa yang kita alami ni, hanyalah pendorong untuk kita bergerak terus ke hadapan...
Cuba bayangkan kalau awak lepas dengan cemerlang subjek ini, akan ada dugaan lain pula yang perlu awak hadapi...
Sekali sekala, kita perlu merasa suatu kejatuhan, untuk membuatkan kita lebih menghargai kejayaan yang kita kecapi, meskipun kecil...
Di sini saya kongsikan entri pengalaman saya merasa kegagalan yang saya hadapi (blog saya)...
Dan juga sebuah artikel, yang membuatkan saya tersedar, yang usaha tidak menatijahkan keputusan...
Moga ALLAH sentiasa bersamamu...
(bersyukur awak ada rasa sedih atas kegagalan, sebab kesedihan ini akan membuatkan awak muhasabah dan terus berfikir, agar tidak berulang peristiwa yang sama)...
Selamat berkenalan :)
Assalamualaikum Mas,
Orang-orang berjaya dan menjadi mereka yang hebat adalah mereka yang mengambil sikap positif walaupun telah jatuh untuk terus bangkit. Rasulullah sendiri pernah diuji dalam berdakwah walaupun jika fikir logik Allah boleh sahaja bagi terus kemenangan kepada Rasulullah untuk memberi hidayah kepada semua orang-orang kafir Quraisy. Namun, ujian tersebut adalah untuk mendidik Rasulullah dan juga umat baginda supaya tidak mudah berputus asa. Kegagalan di dunia hanyalah secebis dari liku-liku kehidupan kita untuk terus berjaya. Berfikir positif bahawa ujian ini adalah supaya kita akan menjadi yang terbaik di masa hadapan, bukan hanya di dunia malahan di akhirat yang lebih utama. Kesusahan juga akan menyedarkan kita kembali bahawa kita hanyalah hamba-Nya yang lemah, hanya Dia lah sahaja yang Maha Agung dan Berkuasa.
Semoga nasihat akak dapat membantu melegakan hati Mas. Akak juga pernah jatuh namun akak bangkit kembali dan tidak mengalah. Jika kita bersikap negatif maka natijahnya juga menjadi negatif.
A successful man is not the one who keep standing without falling , but someone who keep rising in each time they fall .
La takhzan . Allah is always us ..
faha mieza
Subhanllah..terima kasih ya ukhti habibati, artikel2 tu sangat bermanfaat. terima kasih :)
ibu aiman
waalaikumussalam... Alhamdulillah,indahnya dikelilingi mereka yang bersahabat atas dasar iman... tenang hati ni kak..terima kasih :)
thanx a lot ukhti. May Allah shower you with all His blessings :)
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